Public Servant | DSCI Security Leader | BITS Alumnus | Ethical Hacker & Skeptical Army Brat who demystifies FakeNews & preaches Logic.


Friday, June 3, 2016

Touring the Dark-Side of Internet: A Journey through IOT, TOR & Docker

Recently, I had the privilege of delivering a talk at ThoughtWorks GeekNight Hyderabad along with my co-speaker @Sarath. The session focussed on the Dark-Side of Internet touching upon the following theme.

With the advent of IOT, Every 'Thing' is getting Smart, starting from the range of smartwatches, smart refrigerators, smart bulbs to smart car, smart healthcare, smart agriculture, smart retail, smart city and what not, even smart planet. But why is every thing getting smart? Is it just a marketing gimmick? 

People are trying to bridge the gap between Digital World & Physical World by means of ubiquitous connectivity to Internet, and when digital things become physical, digital threats also become physical threats. Security & Privacy issues are rising as never before. What if the microphone in your smart TV can be used to eavesdrop the private communications in your bed room? What if a smart driverless car deliberately crashes itself into an accident? What if you want to be Anonymous over Internet and don't want anybody to track you? 

The talk focused on answering the above questions with a view on 'What are we currently doing to protect ourselves' and 'What we need to do'. What are the new security challenges that are coming up and how privacy & anonymity is taking the lead over security. The talk also sensitised the audience about the paradigm shift that is happening in IOT DevOps, with help of Docker Containers and how they can be anonymised using TOR.

The detailed Agenda of the delivered talk:

  • Top 5 Security Attacks of 2015
    • Sony Hack, Ransomware, State-Sponsored, Hacktivism
  • The Cyber Attack Kill Chain
    • APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats)
  • Defense Strategies & New Challenges
    • Signature-based vs dynamic sandboxing
    • Virtualization & Cloud Security
    • Security vs Privacy vs Anonymity
  • The Advent of IOT
    • People - Process - Product (Era of ‘Smart’ Things)
    • Cloud - M2M - Sensors (How connectivity can go bad)
  • Introduction to Docker
    • From Virtualization to Containerization
    • Shift in DevOps – Demo of Web hosting through containers
  • Deep Net vs Dark Net
    • TOR (The Onion Router) – How to be Anonymous on Internet
    • Demo of TOR hidden service through Docker Containers
  • Future thoughts.

Below is the presentation for the delivered talk.

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